Delighted to learn about the U.N. resolution recognising an International Day of Play, following thorough research and campaign by a wide global consortium. While this is rightly focussed upon the children of the world and their rights, freedoms, development and futures, I really hope that the grown-ups on the planet take a moment to recognise that their own ability to play is profoundly powerful.
Learn about it here:
or here:
Creativity, problem solving, communication, are all enhanced when you allow yourself to engage in playful activity and learning. An hour of purposeful play will be more productive than an hour of meeting in a room or online.
I’m going to defend this by throwing this offer out: I’m going to give away a team workshop to a local business to prove it.
Here are the constraints –
– maximum 12 people
– minimum of a half day
– you commit your team to participating with their minds wide open; no side meetings, computers, etc.
– assuming you find it worthwhile, fun, and beneficial, you agree to produce a case study summary with me
– you have to bring your own lunch and refreshments
– schedule to be agreed when mutually convenient
– if it involves significant travel for me, you have to pay for that. What you get for free is my time, the workshop materials, the preparation.
Sadly this year I cannot actually do this on June 11th, but I’ll announce who wins the workshop then. Maybe you had a team away day, timeout, team building, or something else in mind?
So – to win this free session, please complete the following sentence:
“The International Day of Play is important to grown-ups, and especially to my team because . . . “